Why Intranet Security Should Be on Your Radar (and What You Can Do About It)

Investing efforts in ensuring intranet security is a must. Find out how you can do your bit.

Let’s face it: intranet security has become a way bigger deal than it used to be

Intranet security is becoming a much bigger deal than it was just a few years ago, and it is now literally the backbone of internal operations for many companies. After all, the intranet supports everything from facilitating comms to storing sensitive data and helping carry out day-to-day business activities. With its rising importance, associated malpractices are multiplying, with a rise in recorded cyber crimes.

Need proof? Here are some ouch stats:

  • According to Cybersecurity Ventures, companies are becoming prey to a ransomware attack nearly every 11 seconds.
  • Bad actors with malicious intent are becoming more sophisticated in their approach to data breaches (unauthorized access to confidential data) and data exfiltration and data exfiltration (unauthorized copying, transferring, or retrieving of company data). Their malicious acts are not just damaging but also financially concerning.
  • According to IBM’s latest Cost of Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach is $4.35 million; Cybersecurity Ventures forecasts such cybercrime costs to grow 15% year over year through 2025 — reaching $10.5 trillion. (Yep, trillion!) 

If those numbers don't have you rushing to double-check your intranet’s security, we don’t know what will. 

In this blog, we dive deep into the topic of intranet security and share exactly what you, as someone working in HR or comms, need to do to protect your business. 

Let’s start with some eye-openers about intranet security

When it comes to ensuring stellar security for your intranet, there are a few key factors you absolutely must keep in mind as your starting point:

The biggest myth about intranet security

Here’s the thing: many companies believe that just because their data isn’t out in the wild, it's safe. 

However, (and unfortunately so) the reality is quite different. Housing your data in your storage in no way guarantees it’s immune to threats.

In other words, internal networks are just as much a target for bad actors as any other public-facing platform. Much research and data confirms cybercriminals are getting more creative and determined, and they can get their job done on privately stored data.

A surprising cause of intranet security breaches

Here’s where things get a little awkward: your employees—yes, the very people you trust—can be the biggest security risks. But before you side-eye your team, know this: we’re not calling them cyber criminals.

Human error is the culprit here.

Statistically, 70% of data breaches occur due to employee negligence. Wait, how?

Think phishing emails, weak passwords, or accidentally sharing sensitive information. We’ve all been there, right? It’s easy to overlook these things, but the consequences can be massive.

Whatever the cause, human error is a significant risk factor compromising intranet security for even the best and most secure systems out there.

Intranet security isn’t just a tech issue - it’s a legal one

Keeping your intranet secure isn’t just about fending off hackers - it’s about staying on the right side of the law. 

For example, rules like the 1978 Data Protection Act legally require the safeguarding of personal data. There’s also compulsory compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA regulations in many countries. If you fail to do so, you can be subject to hefty fines, legal issues, and a damaged reputation.  And that's something you'd definitely want to avoid.

So, what can you do about it?

As someone in HR or comms, you might not think of yourself as the go-to for cybersecurity, but guess what? You’ve got a huge role to play. Here’s how you can help keep your social intranet locked down and secure:

Choose a secure and compliant intranet platform

When picking an intranet platform for your company, make sure it’s not just locked down with solid security features like encryption and smart access controls but also ticks the compliance boxes (think GDPR, HIPAA, ISO) you need to adhere to. 

Psst, a platform like Speakap has all of this covered—just saying!

Set the rules and enforce them

You’re already knee-deep in company policies, right? Add data security to the mix.

Minimize risks by ensuring these data security policies are clearly communicated and rigorously enforced throughout your organization. And your role doesn’t stop just there—you also need to ensure there’s proper training for employees on cybersecurity best practices. When your team knows how to recognize and respond to potential threats, more robust intranet security will be a natural byproduct.

Control data access like a boss

Next, you can pull the strings on who has access to what to avoid accidental intranet security mishaps. You can set up the correct permissions by determining which employees need and should have access to sensitive data. For example, sensitive financial data could be restricted to only specific people in the finance team and other relevant seniors higher-up in the ladder. This will ensure that only those needing it can access critical information. Result - you’ll add a deeper layer of security to the data and reduce accidental breaches.

 Build a cybersecurity-first culture

This one’s on you: help create a culture where everyone knows that cybersecurity is a team effort. In other words, foster an environment in your workplace where it’s crystal clear that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility.

For this, you can work on promoting awareness about data security and better managing disclosures. If there are any breaches, ensure you’re a guiding force in the organization in responding to them. 

While these are high-level approaches you can take, there are some intricate best practices you must also keep in mind.

Best practices for intranet security

Keep your systems updated

First, oversee and ensure your technical systems are always up to date. Old software = open door for cybercriminals.

Without sorting this part out, any training, controls, and culture will only get you so far. Thus, make sure the practice of regular updates and patch management is prevalent to address security vulnerabilities. Seriously, it’s a must.

Keep an eye on third-party vendors

If your company relies on third-party vendors for certain services, exercise that extra caution. After all, your security is only as strong as the weakest link in your network. According to studies, only 23% of security leaders monitor their partners and vendors for cybersecurity risks, and you should aim not to fall under this.

So, regularly assess your vendors in terms of security. Proactiveness out here will help you identify potential vulnerabilities before they become a bigger problem.

Don’t let their security gaps become your problem.

Monitor intranet security regularly

Just like you check your phone for updates, make it a habit to monitor your intranet’s security performance. 

This discipline is crucial for catching any potential threats early. Ensure you’re involved in these cyber risk assessments and have proper response planning to ensure a coordinated and effective approach should something go amiss. Having a plan in place can make all the difference in minimizing the impact of a security breach.

You’ll be surprised, but here’s a fact: As many as 64% of Americans do not know what steps to take after being a data breach victim(Yep!). This is why this is super important. 

Intranet security is everyone’s job

Intranet security isn’t just a “tech thing.” It’s a business priority that every department—including HR and comms—needs to take seriously.

Remembering the key considerations and enforcing policies while fostering a strong cybersecurity culture can help you protect your internal networks and boost intranet security. The best practices we’ve shared will help you get that edge.

And if you’re in the market for a secure social intranet platform, we’ve got you covered. Speakap offers top-tier security, compliance, and everything you need to connect, protect, and empower your workforce.

Want to learn more? Explore our Social Intranet Software today!