Here’s the Truth About Employee Engagement

What’s the truth about employee engagement for frontline staff, and how do you ensure the tides are in your favor? Tune into our blog for facts and insights. 

What’s the deal with frontline employee engagement? And why is it suddenly the hot topic?

Well, let’s break it down: keeping your team engaged is no longer just a nice thing to do - it’s become a full-on requirement if you want to stay competitive. 

Now, you’re probably already on board with this: frontline employees are the real MVPs.

If they’re not engaged, things can get messy fast. Yet somehow, despite holding the whole show together, their engagement and well-being often get, well... forgotten. It's like we’ve been conditioned to put them on the backburner, right?

But here’s the thing: companies that are waking up to this and flipping the script know that boosting engagement is tough. So, what’s the play here?

That’s exactly what we’re digging into. In this blog, we’re peeling back the curtain on the (not-so-pretty) truth of frontline employee engagement and why it matters for your business. Plus, we’ve got some tips to help you out of the fog and into the light with employee engagement software. Ready? Let’s do this.

Let’s get real - what’s the actual state of frontline employee engagement?

Okay, brace yourself. It’s not looking too hot. In fact, it’s more of a dumpster fire. Research shows that just 21% of employees are truly engaged at work, and guess what? It's even worse for those on the frontline. Ouch.

And wait for it, it gets better (not really). 

45% of frontline workers are considering leaving their jobs within the next 3 to 6 months. In other words, this means that it may be possible that almost half of your frontline team could be heading for the door. Wait, why?

The most likely reason is that they feel unappreciated and disconnected from your organization. And it’s essential to note here that all of this isn’t just about some numbers but also about feelings (the most important thing, right?). 

Many frontline workers feel they’re less valued than their colleagues behind desks.

Specifically, 37% believe they are not getting the proper recognition they deserve. This sense of being overlooked translates into low morale and higher turnover among them.

The result? A vicious cycle that’s becoming tough to break.

But hey, this doesn’t mean you should be demoralized. 🙋We’ve got a ray of light, too:

Alright, but what happens when frontline employees are engaged?

Glad you asked. When your employees are engaged, the benefits for your business can be massive. Engaged workers are not only happier but also way more productive. This isn’t just our view; it's a research-backed fact. 

  • Teams with high engagement levels see a 37% boost in productivity, which directly impacts the bottom line. 
  • Research also suggests that companies with strong employee engagement enjoy a 20% increase in sales and a 21% jump in profitability compared to those that don’t prioritize engagement. And the benefits don’t stop here. 
  • High engagement also implies less worker absenteeism and lower employee turnover. Studies confirm that teams with high engagement scores experience 41% less absenteeism and a 59% reduction in turnover rates

In other words, engaged employees are more likely to stick around with your organization for longer, show up regularly, and contribute superlatively to your company’s success. Who doesn’t want that, right? 

So why is everyone still struggling with engagement?

Why are companies dropping the ball on keeping frontline employees engaged?

Here are a few key challenges that make the frontline engagement puzzle tough to crack:

Communication breakdowns

Most organizations' frontline workers are scattered across different locations and constantly on the move. Moreover, due to the nature of the job, they can’t correspond easily via typical corporate means like emails. They may not be conversant when using complex technology. All of this makes consistent and effective communication a real challenge and engagement barrier.

Career growth? What career growth?

All employees, including your frontline workers, value a bright future with career advancement. Often, these employees feel stuck in their roles when they see no clear and visible path to career advancement. Most organizations somehow have these more structured for in-office roles, simply because of how all L&D infrastructure is. This lack of evident growth opportunities spurs disengagement.

Health and well-being woes

Frontline roles are often demanding, with extended hours and constant pressure to be on one's toes. Think factory floors, retail salespeople, and so on. As a result, workers tend to face both physical and mental health challenges as they work for strenuous hours with a lot of moving around. They don’t always get proper support because of how wellness programs are typically designed.

For instance, many organizations often struggle to provide access to timely communication about available health and wellness programs. Most of these are accessible via desktop only, which makes it challenging to pursue these initiatives during work shofts. These coupled with the lack of time to focus on wellness alienate frontline folks from their work and reduce their engagement and job satisfaction. 

How do you tackle these challenges head-on?

So, how do you actually fix this? Here are some strategies you can incorporate to improve your frontline employee engagement

Here’s where we flip the script. Tackling these challenges isn’t rocket science, but it does take some thought. First things first, improving engagement among frontline workers isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal and requires a thoughtful approach to tackling unique challenges.  So, let's start with the very basics.

Communication is key

Make smooth internal communication a top priority to get everyone on the same page. Using mobile-friendly, easy-to-use comms tools that fit with the on-the-go nature of frontline work is an excellent idea. You can also look out for modern features like auto-translate so there aren't any language barriers. 

Another communication-oriented practice you can indulge in is actively creating more opportunities for frontline employees to connect with their peers and establish a sense of community. A great starting point is implementing an employee app. You can use it to quickly and easily set up polls, organize quizzes, and send out surveys to get employee feedback. You could even conduct regular offsite events and town halls or assign mentors or buddies to frontline workers for a quick heart-to-heart chat. Your efforts could be as simple as a birthday wish, but you must make that effort to communicate!

Here’s how Royal Den Hartogh Logistics reaches its non-office colleagues across 10+ countries easily

Recognition matters

Put serious thought and effort into your employee recognition programs to make them feel valued. Regularly acknowledge and celebrate their contributions and achievements. It’s not that important how you do this, but more that you make the effort to do this. It could be through formal awards or informal shout-outs on your employee app. As long as they feel valued, you’ll see a massive change in their morale and motivation.

Invest in their future

Offer career development and upskilling opportunities to give your frontline employees something to look forward to. Make this opportunity easily accessible on mobile to fit their out-and-about schedule. They definitely won't have the time to pick up extensive courses accessible only on desktops or in-person trainings. So, bite-size video-based learning is the way to go! In addition, regularly check in to see what they feel about your training programs and where you can improve. When they see you’re committed to their advancement and providing a clear, accessible path for upskilling, they’ll be more engaged and invested in their roles.

Take care of their well-being 

Last but not least, invest in frontline worker well-being. Build health and wellness programs that meet the specific needs of your frontline workers. Showing your workers that you care about their well-being will reduce stress and boost their productivity. On the how part, this could mean offering flexible schedules, providing access to mental health resources for your employees, or simply ensuring a safe and welcoming work environment right from when you onboard them.

Your efforts can be as tiny as letting people choose the pronouns they want to be called by, but you’ll see the results will be mighty when you implement. Find out how Kalahari Resorts improved their employee wellbeing

So, what’s the real scoop on frontline employee engagement?

It’s pretty simple—if you’re not focusing on engaging your frontline employees, you’re leaving a lot on the table. But hey, the good news? It’s easier to get started than you think.

Start with communication, throw in some recognition, and don’t forget about career growth and well-being. And, use employee engagement software to streamline the whole process. 

Do this, and you’ll be well on your way to turning things around.