
4 Aspects of Maximizing ROI Through Frontline Employee Training

Written by Anete Vesere | Sep 3, 2024

Investing in frontline employee training without seeing tangible results can be frustrating, right? It’s a common struggle. Over a third of HR and L&D professionals face difficulties demonstrating training ROI to their finance teams. Why? Because training data is often invisible, information is scattered, and the real impact on business KPIs is murky at best. Here’s how you can make every training dollar work harder and smarter with an employee experience app

4 aspects of maximizing ROI through optimized frontline training

#1 Align training with business goals

Making every training dollar count starts with aligning training with your business goals. Use the "Dollar Impact Framework" to turn a seemingly nebulous training spend into a strategic investment. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Identify the issue: Pinpoint specific problems your training must tackle.
  2. Link to metrics: Connect the dots between training and key business metrics.
  3. Quantify the impact: Translate these metrics into clear dollar values.

Start by identifying the specific problems your training needs to address. For example, consider the following problem statement:

"We have just one computer in the break room for training. To get trained, associates must leave the production area, power up the computer, and log in. This not only cuts into productive time but also prevents fostering a culture of continuous learning. Consequently, employees are less equipped to engage confidently with customers and handle theft."

Next, link this to business metrics like sales per employee, customer ratings, and shrinkage. Knowing the financial impact helps you calculate the value of improving these metrics through training. Check it out:

Business metric

Cost implications

Dollar Impact

Sales per employee

Lower net profit

$240,000 per annum (PA)

Branch customer ratings

Higher customer acquisition costs

$72,800 PA


Increased cost of goods sold and reduced profit margin

$200,000 PA

Total Dollar Impact:



“The aim of the Dollar Impact Framework is not just to get clear on the value training would deliver for your own benefit, but to make the case internally to show other key stakeholders the value of the investment you're pitching.”  - Bradley Hunt, Enterprise Success Lead at eduMe


#2 Delivering Relevant, Engaging Content

There's often a disconnect between the training content provided and the actual needs of frontline employees. Bridging this gap is crucial. Create engaging and interactive learning experiences that are directly relevant to daily tasks and challenges. Think videos, interactive simulations, or even gamified elements. When training is relevant and engaging, you strengthen the frontline employee experience as they are more likely to absorb and apply what they learn, boosting their performance and your ROI.

Also, consider using technology to improve this process. An employee experience app helps you create, automate, and launch tailored content for specific groups, regions, and departments. The more personal, the more relevant, the more meaningful.

#3 Meet Employees Where They Are (No, Not Literally)

“You can have the best content, but if delivery falls short - even the best training programs become useless.” - Daren Jennings, CCO at Speakap


Modern employees need training that is easily accessible—on their mobile devices, available 24/7. Integrate training into the tools and platforms employees use daily, like mobile apps for communication or task management. This approach reduces friction and increases adoption.

When you meet employees where they are, you can see significant improvements, including a reduction in communication delays, increased employee engagement scores, reduced training costs, a faster onboarding process, higher project completion rates, and decreased turnover. 

#4 Remember, Training is Just One Piece of the Puzzle

Great training is vital, but it’s just one element of a broader strategy aimed at enhancing the overall employee experience. This holistic approach ensures that training aligns with other HR initiatives, fostering a comprehensive support system that enhances employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity.

Companies that successfully integrate training with broader HR strategies often see remarkable results:

  • Exceed Financial Targets: 2.2x more likely.
  • Delight Customers: 2.4x more likely.
  • Engage and Retain Employees: 5.1x more likely.
  • Adapt to Change: 3.7x more likely.
  • Innovate Effectively: 4.3x more likely.
  • Create a Sense of Belonging: 5.1x more likely.

(Source: Josh Bersin Company)

🎥 In case you want to optimize your frontline training and maximize your ROI - take a peak at this webinar

In one of our recent webinars, Bradley Hunt, Enterprise Success Lead at eduMe, and Daren Jennings, CCO at Speakap, shared valuable insights and practical strategies to help you transform your training programs into powerful tools that drive both employee performance and business success.

Watch our webinar to discover:

  • How to align training with business goals to ensure every training dollar is well spent.
  • Strategies for delivering relevant and engaging content that resonates with your frontline employees.
  • Tips on meeting employees where they are by integrating training seamlessly into their daily workflow.
  • The importance of incorporating training into a broader employee experience strategy to drive overall performance.