
Tips for Integrating Frontline Employee Training into Daily Workflows

Written by Anete Vesere | Sep 17, 2024

Let’s be honest—nobody, and I mean nobody, enjoys sitting through typical corporate training. Whether in-person or virtual, these sessions often feel like a tedious obligation. This is especially true for frontline employees who are constantly on the move, managing tasks that can’t afford to be put on hold. 

Discover how integrating training into the daily workflows of frontline employees can boost engagement, retention, and productivity.

What happens when traditional training methods disrupt their flow? It not only wastes time but can also lead to costly mistakes and safety incidents. 

So, what's the fix? Meeting them where they are—integrating training seamlessly into their daily routines. We spoke with Daren Jennings, CCO at Speakap—the employee experience platform—and Bradley Hunt, Enterprise Success Lead at eduMe, to find out how to make this happen.

The problem: training that just doesn’t fit

When it comes to corporate training, we’ve all been in those meetings where someone suggests adding more slides, mandatory hours, or longer sessions to make training "more effective." Sound familiar? 

It’s like throwing a brick at a problem that needs a delicate touch. 

From lengthy PowerPoint presentations, mandatory e-learning modules, and lengthy classroom training - to frankly outdated and ineffective tools like paper and PDF work instructions and SOPs - training methods like these just don't fit the workflow of frontline employees. 

For example, research by Intertek Alchemy shows that less than half of manufacturing companies (47%) are utilizing eLearning to deliver training to frontline workers. 

This approach usually ends up frustrating employees rather than engaging them. 

Moreover, forcing employees to complete training through threats or penalties is hardly the solution, especially when employee turnover remains a major concern for 66% of Retail and Hospitality (R&H) leaders.

The fix: making training part of their day

The secret to effective frontline training? Integrating it into their daily work routines. This means turning training into something that fits naturally into their day, not just another task on their to-do list. 

So, how do you pull this off? 

Daren and Bradley have some great insights.

Mobile accessibility

As many as 58% of employees prefer to learn or train at their own speed. Despite this, only 5% of leaders deliver training exclusively via mobile apps, limiting flexibility. 

Your frontline workers are glued to their mobile devices for everything—communication, task management, you name it. So, why isn’t their training there too? 

Making training mobile-friendly isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential. With bite-sized, visual, and straightforward content, they can learn on the go, during breaks, or whenever they have a moment to breathe.  The result? 

Training that actually fits into their day, not the other way around.

Daren Jennings points out:

"Modern employees need training that meets them where they are—on their mobile devices, accessible 24/7."


Seamless integration & workflow

Think about it—embedding learning into their go-to apps for communication or scheduling means less fuss and more focus. When you keep everything in one place, you cut down the learning curve and boost engagement. 

It’s worth noting that 62% of leaders currently use standalone training apps, creating unnecessary barriers to access. Integrating training into existing platforms presents a missed opportunity to streamline the learning process and improve motivation.

Sure, there’s always a place for deep dives in a classroom setting, but for real-time skill reinforcement, a solid employee experience platform is a game-changer. No more juggling apps, just straightforward learning where and when it’s needed most.

Bradley Hunt emphasizes:

"The goal is to embed training within their daily workflow, reducing disruptions and improving completion rates."


Bite-sized learning

Your frontline workers don’t have hours to spare for training. That’s where microlearning comes in. Keep those training modules short, sweet, and to the point. 

Quick, impactful lessons that they can knock out during a coffee break?

Now that’s something they can handle. 

Additionally, with 39% of leaders reporting that their training sessions last more than one day, the need for shorter, more focused sessions becomes even more apparent.

Relevant and engaging content

If your training doesn’t hit home, it’s just noise. Make sure what you’re teaching is directly tied to their roles. Think interactive, think engaging, think practical.

When training is relatable and fits right into their daily grind, they’re not just going to learn it—they’re going to use it. Plus, when content is relevant and engaging it not only leads to training completion rates of 95%, but also boosts overall training satisfaction scores by 98%. This is crucial, especially since 50% of restaurant & hospitality leaders view employee training as the most effective strategy for improving customer experience.

"By creating content that employees can relate to and directly addresses their daily challenges, you increase its impact exponentially," 

- Bradley Hunt

The payoff: why it’s totally worth it

When training is seamlessly integrated into the daily workflow, everyone wins:

  • Increased engagement: Training that’s convenient and relevant keeps employees engaged. Considering that 52% of leaders believe that making training more fun would improve engagement rates, this approach is key.
  • Improved retention: Short, interactive modules enhance knowledge retention.
  • Higher productivity: Minimal disruption means employees stay productive.
  • Better ROI: Track engagement and completion rates easily, linking training efforts directly to business outcomes. Leaders who integrate training into daily routines see a significant return on investment, aligning with the 93% of restaurant & hospitality leaders who already recognize the importance of employee training.

Wrapping it up: your training solution

When you meet employees where they are and serve up training through platforms they already use, it stops feeling like a chore and starts becoming a seamless part of their routine.

Want to dig deeper into this? 

Check out our webinar, where Bradley Hunt and Daren Jennings break it all down. They’re serving up practical tips and real-world examples that show just how powerful it is to weave training into the everyday workflow of your frontline team.