
20 John DiJulius Employee Experience Quotes For HR Leaders

Written by Anete Vesere | Sep 10, 2024

In this article, we explore insights from customer service expert and author of “The Employee Experience Revolution: Increase Morale, Retain your Workforce, and Drive Business Growth” - John DiJulius, emphasizing the crucial link between employee experience and business success.

20 John DiJulius quotes on employee experience

When it comes to frontline employees, they are not just workers; they are the pivotal link between your business and its customers. The experience they have at work directly shapes the customer experience. That's why many companies implement comprehensive employee experience apps to build an engaged workforce. 


“A good customer experience starts with a good employee experience. The CX will never be better than the EX.”


“You can’t fully separate your personal and professional life. If employees are miserable in a toxic work environment, it impacts their overall happiness. So, you want your employees to be proud and have meaning and purpose in what they do.”


“If you are not taking care of your employees, you will have the problem of having to train new ones every 90 to 120 days. If they are not happy, you cannot keep them.”


“The two biggest mistakes companies make in staffing are hiring just anyone to replace turnover and looking the other way on poor performers.”


“Experience it forward. What employees experience, customers will.”


We don’t hire people with more winning qualities than anyone else. We just bring out their winning qualities.”


“Our loved ones and coworkers are not telepathic about our appreciation; you have to be continually expressing your gratitude and appreciation.”


“That is what the top world-class experience brands do: They build, encourage, recognize, and give the resources that allow their employees to constantly go above and beyond, which is why they end up having significantly higher employee fulfillment.”


“A great leader’s goal should be that every long-term employee considers their decision to join this company as one of the best decisions of their life.”


“Hiring new employees should not be your top priority. Instead, focus on creating an amazing internal culture with high morale and low turnover. High employee attention will produce high employee retention, which is much easier and less expensive than recruiting new employees.”


“Organizations achieve greatness when employees are allowed to do unexpected acts, show initiative, exhibit creativity, and step outside the norm. That is when delightful, interesting, and amazing results occur.”


“However, those we refer to as invisible service providers—support teams, admins, receptionists, contact center employees, warehouse workers, and back office employees—are rarely praised for the part they play in the customer experience. Yet for the highest levels of employee engagement and job satisfaction, it’s crucial that business leaders make every team member understand how their job impacts customers’ lives.”


“You can’t hire your way out of a bad culture.”


“Countless studies show irrefutable evidence correlating employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability. For example, one study showed how call center workers’ weekly sales increased by 25 percent when their happiness increased by one point.”


“Stop trying to find great employees; focus on becoming the business great employees find.”


 "For businesses to thrive in today’s world, relationship building will have to be a key part of their new team member training."


"High turnover is employees sending a wake-up call to leaders to build better, more rewarding company cultures."


"Personally and professionally, success is about creating and building human connections."


"The best customer service companies recognize the competitive opportunity of using technology to perform basic jobs, enabling employees to focus on what is most important: building relationships that result in higher customer loyalty, retention, lifetime value, and job satisfaction."


"Regardless of their position, whether as a customer-facing employee or working behind the scenes, every human wants to know their hard work contributes to something impactful that goes beyond business outcomes."

Implementing DiJulius' philosophies means building a culture where the happiness of our employees is as crucial as the satisfaction of customers

In this exploration of John DiJulius' expert guidance, we've highlighted key insights that bring to light a fundamental business principle: the quality of the employee experience is inextricably linked to customer satisfaction and the overall success of your business. Each quote provides a blueprint for how nurturing frontline employees can catalyze profound improvements in service delivery and company performance. When these employees find meaning and satisfaction in their roles, it dramatically enhances their productivity and loyalty, which in turn boosts business outcomes.

For those looking to dive deeper into DiJulius' methodologies and further understand the mechanisms behind crafting an outstanding employee experience, his book, “The Employee Experience Revolution: Increase Morale, Retain your Workforce, and Drive Business Growth,” is an invaluable resource. It offers detailed strategies and real-world examples that can help any leader turn their workplace into a thriving environment where employees and business flourish together.

Learn more and get your copy here on Amazon. Then, book a free demo of our employee experience app to get results faster.