Bridge the gap between idea generation and communication with Speakap's integration with Sideways6, the leading AI-powered idea management platform
Sideways6 is a leading AI-powered idea management platform designed to help organizations capture, develop, and implement employee ideas. Sideways6 empowers businesses to foster a culture of innovation by streamlining the entire idea management process.
Encourage employees to share ideas directly within Speakap, where discussions and feedback can easily flow. Facilitate communication between employees and idea managers throughout the entire idea lifecycle. Discuss ideas, provide feedback, and collaborate on implementation plans directly within Speakap. Provide employees with real-time updates on the progress of their ideas and access to the collective pool of ideas within Speakap. Foster collaboration between teams and departments by enabling discussions and brainstorming sessions around ideas within Speakap. Empower employees to participate in the innovation process and feel valued by allowing them to share ideas and contribute to company growth using Speakap.